
Denise Wang







  • Currently based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

  • Graduated with a First Class honours degree in Product Design from Lasalle College of the Arts in 2022.

  • Prior to that, attained the highest distinction in the arts and graduated as the Ngee Ann Kong Si Outstanding Young Artist of her cohort from SOTA, School of the Arts Singapore in 2018.




Senior Brand Manager, Panda Commercial Bank PLC

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

July 2022 - Current

  • Developing the Banks brand : [ Brand strategy / Design of Bank Mascot / Brand Colours & Typography / Planning CSR activities ] Developed and implemented brand strategies that align with the company's overall goals. This includes defining the brand's positioning, developing marketing campaigns, strategising CSR activities, and managing the brand's reputation. I often conduct ‘secret shopping’ on the banks customer service in order to create accurate response templates to improve the customer experience.

  • Design & copywriting skills : [ Annual Report for FYE 2022 / New website / Brand Guide / All Bank Merchandise / Social Media Advertisements / Internal document and presentations templates / External sales deck(s) ] Designed a unique look and style to ensure our banks annual report and website is fresh and stands out from the current Cambodian market. Additionally, I liased with all relevant product owners to rewrite and create effective selling points for our products for all marketing material.

  • Creative thinking & problem solving: [ Unique bank merchandise / Unique product selling points / Unique product packages / Corporate Social Responsibility projects ] Constantly identifying and solving problems that affect the brand and coming up with creative marketing and promotional ideas to help the brand stand out from the competition. This includes developing new marketing campaigns, designing unique merchandise and packaging, and coming up with proposals for CSR projects.

  • Strong communication skills in english and chinese: Communicate effectively in both languages with all internal teams, external partners from Cambodia, Singapore and China, and the banks audience. This includes writing clear and concise reports, giving presentations and conducting trainings, and building relationships between the different teams.

Writing Assistant at LASALLE College of the Arts


August 2021 - May 2022

Worked with students across all Lasalle Diploma, Degree and Masters Programmes to strengthen and support their academic writing skills during individual consultation sessions.

  • Strong research skills & knowledge across disciplines: Assisted students in finding and synthesizing information from a variety of sources across different art disciplines. Showing students where to find and how to identify credible sources, evaluate information, and summarize key points.

  • Creativity & problem-solving skills: Able to think critically to identify problems that arise during the writing process and assisted students in coming up with fresh ideas and solutions to solve them.

  • Communication skills: Communicated effectively with the students across all academic levels and was able to listen attentively, ask questions, and provide clear and concise feedback. This often also included helping students out of brain ruts and low confidence in the english language. Many students enjoyed coming back for more sessions throughout the year when they needed assistance.

Service Design Intern at Ideactio


May 2021 - August 2021

  • User research & A/B Testing : Conducted thorough user research through interviews, generated insights and created multiple user personas from the findings. Using design thinking to enhance user experiences in the service industry.

  • UX Wire-framing : Assisted in Figma wireframing to develop interactions and user-flows based on the user research conducted.

  • Copy writing : Developed unique content through copywriting articles on different aspects of Service Design and what the company has done to improve presence and brand awareness.

  • Social Media Management : Managed the content creation and social media management on all the companies social media platforms by creating innovative blog posts to achieve reader satisfaction and assist with management of client presence.

  • Website Design & Copy writing : Designed the look, feel and flow of the company's subsidiary website. Additionally did all the website copywriting which included searching archives for relevant information and piecing together the story.

UIUX Intern at Maybank


June 2020 - July 2020

  • Research & Analysis : Researched and collected data on current market trends, interesting features on other platforms and competitor research & analysis.

  • UX Wire-framing : Designed and created low-fidelity click-through UX prototypes on SKETCH.


2022 First Class Honours Degree in Product Design

2022 Highest dissertation score in Product Design Faculty

2020 Lasalle Scholarship { Awarded to BA(Hons) students with strong academic record and leadership qualities. }

2019 SOTA-Ngee Ann Kongsi Outstanding Young Artist Award  { The Award conferred upon the graduate who has attained the highest distinction in the arts, and shows greatest promise of shaping the future arts landscape through artistic vision, originality, commitment, and excellence in practice. }

2019 IBCP Excellence Award { Awarded to IBCP students with a perfect IBCP score. }

2018 SOTA Academic Award - Best in SL Anthropology { This award is presented to students with the best overall score in each academic discipline in their level. }

2017 David Marshall Scholarship for Young Artist { This scholarship by Temasek Foundation enables exceptionally talented students in Years 4 to 6 to focus on developing their strengths, complemented by a rigorous academic curriculum. }

2017 SOTA Excellence Arts Award - Visual Arts { This award is given to the student with the best overall achievement in his or her art form in 2016. }

2015 SOTA - Most Improved Student Award

2015 Edusave Certificate of Academic Achievement  { This award is given to students in the top 25% in terms of academic performance in level and course and good conduct in school. }

2014 Edusave Certificate of Academic Achievement  { This award is given to students in the top 25% in terms of academic performance in level and course and good conduct in school. }

2014 MOE Good Progress Award

2013 SAF Central Welfare Fund (RSAF)  { Merit and Excellence Award }

2013 SOTA Visual Arts On-The-Spot Art Competition  { 2nd place }

2012 Edusave Eagles Award for Achievement, Good Leadership and Service

Community Involvement

2017 - 2018 Presidents Charity Initiative { ARTS @ ISTANA CAS - Co-Leader / Hosted 2 public outreach events as part of the Presidents Charity Initiative. }

2017 - 2018 Olive Tree Development Centre { Project SEA - Student Art teacher / Served as an art teacher to children with learning disabilities as a form of therapy }

2017 SOTA Global Perspective Service programme, Cambodia { GPS Kandal - Co-Leader / Co-led a large team of students on an overseas expedition to Cambodia }

2017 Class Management Committee { Class Chairperson }

2017 SMRT Bencoolen MRT Opening { Postcard Designer }

2016 Class Management Committee { Welfare Secretary }

​2016 This Is A Change (TIAC) : A Gotong Royong Initiative { Student Facilitator / 3 day Service Learning Conference }

Get in touch

Do you think I am a good match for any opportunities? I would love to know more! Get in touch with me here or contact me at .